The importance of brainstorming for IELTS Writing Task 2

by | Mar 11, 2023 | IELTS Skills, IELTS Writing, Uncategorized

In the context of IELTS Writing Task 2, brainstorming refers to the process of generating ideas and gathering thoughts before starting to write an essay. It involves listing down all the possible ideas and arguments related to the given topic and organizing them in a structured manner. The goal of brainstorming is to come up with a variety of ideas, which can be later organized and refined into a cohesive piece of writing.

1. The importance of brainstorming for IELTS writing task 2

Brainstorming is a crucial step in IELTS Writing Task 2 as it helps you to organize your thoughts and ideas before you start writing. Here are some reasons why brainstorming is important for IELTS Writing Task 2:

Helps to generate ideas

Brainstorming helps to generate ideas related to the given topic. This helps to ensure that you have enough ideas to write a well-developed essay.

Saves time

Brainstorming saves time as it helps to organize your thoughts before you start writing. This can help to prevent writer’s block and reduce the time you spend staring at a blank page.

Improves organization

Brainstorming helps to organize your thoughts and ideas into a coherent and logical structure. This can help to improve the flow of your essay and make it easier for the reader to follow your arguments.

Reduces stress

Brainstorming can reduce stress by breaking down the task of writing an essay into manageable steps. This can help to reduce anxiety and make the task of writing more enjoyable.

Increases creativity

Brainstorming encourages creativity and helps you to think outside the box. This can help to make your essay more engaging and interesting to read.

Allows for self-reflection

Brainstorming allows you to reflect on your own thoughts and ideas. This can help to develop your own voice and style of writing, making your essay more personal and unique.

Helps to address the task requirements

Brainstorming helps to ensure that you address all the requirements of the task. This can help to improve your score as it demonstrates that you have fully understood the task and are able to respond appropriately.

2. Brainstorming techniques

There are different techniques that can be used for brainstorming, such as free writing, mind mapping, and listing. Free writing involves writing down anything that comes to mind without censoring or editing. Mind mapping is a visual technique that involves creating a diagram or a web of ideas. Listing involves making a list of ideas, topics, or points related to the subject.

Here’s an example of brainstorming for an essay topic “The benefits of practicing mindfulness”:


Helps reduce stress and anxiety – Improves focus and concentration – Increases self-awareness and emotional regulation – Enhances overall well-being – Can be practiced anywhere, anytime.


Main idea: Benefits of practicing mindfulness

Sub-ideas: Physical benefits, Mental benefits, Social benefits, Emotional benefits


Physical benefits:

  • Reduces blood pressure,
  • Improves the immune system,
  • Enhances sleep quality

Mental benefits:

  • Improves focus,
  • Enhances creativity,
  • Reduces negative thinking

Social benefits:

  • Enhances communication skills,
  • Improves relationships,
  • Enhances empathy

Emotional benefits:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety,
  • Increases happiness and positive emotions,
  • Enhances emotional regulation.

These are just a few examples of how brainstorming can be used to generate ideas and explore different angles and perspectives on a topic before starting to write a piece of content.

3. How to improve brainstorming skills for IELTS writing?

Improving brainstorming skills is essential for IELTS Writing Task 2. Here are some tips to improve your brainstorming skills for IELTS writing:


The more you practice brainstorming, the better you will become. Set aside some time each day to brainstorm topics and ideas related to IELTS Writing Task 2. This will help you to become more comfortable with the process and develop your skills.

Read widely

Read widely on a variety of topics to expand your knowledge and understanding. This will help you to generate ideas more easily and come up with more unique and interesting angles to approach a given topic.

Use mind maps

Mind maps are a great tool for brainstorming. They allow you to organize your thoughts and ideas visually, making it easier to see connections and relationships between different ideas.

Focus on the task requirements

Ensure that you fully understand the task requirements before you begin brainstorming. This will help you to stay on topic and address all the key points in your essay.

Use a variety of techniques

There are many different techniques you can use for brainstorming, such as freewriting, listing, clustering, and questioning. Experiment with different techniques to find the ones that work best for you.

Collaborate with others

Collaborating with others can be a great way to generate new ideas and perspectives. Discuss the task with friends or classmates and brainstorm ideas together.

Set goals

Set specific goals for your brainstorming sessions, such as generating a certain number of ideas or approaching the topic from a different angle. This will help you to stay focused and motivated.

4. Let’s practice

Consider the following prompt:

Some people think that a person improves intellectual skills better when doing group activities.  To what extent do you agree? Use specific details and examples to explain your view.

Assume that you agree with the above statement.

Let’s brainstorm and generate ideas to support the following statement: a person improves intellectual skills better when doing group activities.


Group activities provide opportunities for collaboration and brainstorming, which can lead to more diverse and innovative ideas than when working alone. This can help to improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Group activities can involve debates, discussions, and presentations, which can help to improve communication and persuasive skills. This can also lead to better decision-making skills.

Peer Feedback

Group activities provide opportunities for peer feedback, which can help to improve writing, research, and presentation skills. This can also enhance one’s ability to receive and incorporate constructive criticism.

Exposure to diverse perspectives

Group activities allow individuals to be exposed to diverse perspectives, which can broaden their horizons and help them to develop a more open-minded approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

Sharing of knowledge and experiences

Group activities allow individuals to share their knowledge and experiences with each other, which can lead to a better understanding of different subject areas and enhance one’s ability to learn and retain new information.

Development of social skills

Group activities require social interaction and communication, which can help to improve social skills and confidence in interacting with others.

Support and Motivation

Group activities provide a supportive environment where individuals can learn from each other and provide motivation to stay focused and achieve goals.

Practice of Leadership Skills

Group activities often require someone to take the lead and coordinate the efforts of others, which can help to develop leadership skills.

Increased Engagement

Group activities can increase engagement and enjoyment in the learning process, which can lead to better learning outcomes.

Exposure to different cultures

Group activities can involve individuals from different cultural backgrounds, which can lead to exposure to different ideas, customs, and perspectives, and help to develop a more global mindset.

Now, let’s assume that you disagree with the following statement.

A person improves intellectual skills better when doing group activities.


Group activities can be distracting, and it can be difficult to focus on one’s own ideas and thought processes. This can actually hinder intellectual skill development.


Group activities can sometimes lead to groupthink, where individuals may be hesitant to voice dissenting opinions or ideas. This can limit critical thinking and stifle creativity.

Unequal Participation

Group activities can sometimes involve unequal participation, where some individuals may dominate the discussion, and others may not have an opportunity to contribute. This can lead to a lack of engagement and motivation among group members.

Time Constraints

Group activities can involve time constraints, which can limit the amount of time individuals have to engage in deep thought and reflection. This can hinder intellectual skill development.

Limited Scope

Group activities can sometimes have a limited scope, and individuals may not have the opportunity to explore ideas and topics in depth. This can hinder intellectual skill development and limit creativity.

Social Anxiety

Group activities can be stressful for individuals who experience social anxiety, and this can hinder their ability to participate fully in group activities. This can limit their intellectual skill development and limit their opportunities for growth.

Conflicting Personalities

Group activities can sometimes involve individuals with conflicting personalities, which can lead to tension and conflict. This can limit the ability of group members to work together effectively and hinder intellectual skill development.

Lack of Autonomy

Group activities can involve a lack of autonomy and control over the learning process, which can limit the ability of individuals to develop their own ideas and thought processes.

Individual Learning Preferences

Individuals may have different learning preferences, and group activities may not always align with these preferences. This can limit the ability of individuals to learn and develop their intellectual skills.

Need for Solitude

Some individuals may need solitude to engage in deep thought and reflection, and group activities may not always provide the necessary environment for this. This can hinder intellectual skill development.

5. Sample essays

Let’s see how we can use the generated ideas to write different essays with different points of view.

Sample essay 1 – a balanced argument

In today’s society, group activities have become increasingly popular, and some people believe that participating in such activities can enhance an individual’s intellectual skills. While there are certainly benefits to group activities, I believe that the extent to which they improve intellectual skills depends on the individual and the specific nature of the activity.

On the one hand, group activities can provide a wealth of benefits for intellectual growth. Working in a group setting allows for collaboration, which can lead to a wider range of ideas and perspectives. Moreover, group activities often require individuals to think critically and analyze information in a more comprehensive way than they might do on their own. This can lead to better problem-solving skills, and individuals can learn from others’ viewpoints, expanding their understanding of a particular topic. For example, participating in a group discussion or debate on a current affairs topic can expose one to multiple perspectives and stimulate critical thinking.

However, it is important to recognize that group activities may not be suitable for everyone. Some individuals may prefer to work independently and find group activities distracting or overwhelming. Moreover, some group activities may not necessarily stimulate intellectual growth; for instance, watching a movie or playing a video game with a group of friends may not necessarily enhance intellectual skills. Additionally, in certain group settings, individuals may feel discouraged from sharing their own ideas or perspectives, which can stifle intellectual growth and limit the benefits of group activities.

In conclusion, while group activities can provide benefits for intellectual growth, the extent to which they improve intellectual skills depends on the individual and the nature of the activity. It is important to consider personal preferences and ensure that group activities are conducive to intellectual growth. By doing so, individuals can maximize the benefits of group activities and enhance their intellectual skills.

Sample essay 2 – agree with the statement

Improving intellectual skills is an essential aspect of personal development, and it is a topic that has generated diverse views among different people. While some individuals believe that group activities are more effective in enhancing intellectual skills, others hold a contrary view. In my opinion, I fully agree that a person improves intellectual skills better when doing group activities, and I will explain my reasons in this essay.

To begin with, group activities provide individuals with a platform to learn from one another. When individuals come together to participate in group activities, they share their ideas and experiences. As a result, they learn from one another and gain knowledge that they may not have been able to acquire on their own. This exchange of information promotes intellectual growth and development.

Furthermore, group activities provide individuals with the opportunity to receive feedback and constructive criticism. During group activities, individuals can receive feedback from their peers, which can help them to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This feedback is crucial in improving intellectual skills since it helps individuals to focus on areas where they need to improve.

Finally, group activities promote teamwork, collaboration, and effective communication skills. These skills are essential for intellectual growth and development, as they enable individuals to work effectively with others and share their ideas and thoughts. When individuals participate in group activities, they learn how to communicate effectively and work together towards a common goal.

In conclusion, group activities are an effective way of improving intellectual skills. They provide individuals with a platform to learn from one another, receive feedback, and develop important skills such as teamwork and communication. Therefore, I fully agree that a person improves intellectual skills better when doing group activities.

Sample essay 3 – disagree with the statement 

While some people believe that a person improves their intellectual skills better through group activities, I strongly disagree with this statement. In my opinion, individual efforts have a greater impact on improving intellectual skills compared to group activities.

Firstly, group activities may often lead to distractions and lack of focus. In a group, individuals may spend more time socializing and engaging in non-academic discussions rather than focusing on the task at hand. This can hinder the learning process and have a negative impact on the individual’s intellectual development.

Secondly, in group activities, individuals may be more inclined to rely on the contributions of others, rather than thinking critically and solving problems on their own. This can lead to a lack of personal development and independent thinking, which are essential for improving intellectual skills.

Furthermore, group activities may also limit the scope of learning. Group activities often involve a set structure, which may not allow for individuals to explore topics in greater depth or at their own pace. Individual learning, on the other hand, allows for greater flexibility and the opportunity to delve deeper into a subject.

Lastly, it is important to note that different individuals have different learning styles. Some may find group activities to be more beneficial, while others may prefer to work individually. Therefore, it is important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to learning and intellectual development.

In conclusion, while some may argue that group activities are more effective in improving intellectual skills, I believe that individual efforts have a greater impact on personal development. By focusing on individual learning and problem-solving, individuals can develop critical thinking skills and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.



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