IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure

by | Mar 14, 2023 | IELTS Writing

What does “essay structure” mean in IELTS Writing task 2?

Essay structure in IELTS Writing Task 2 refers to the way in which the essay is organized and presented.

A well-structured essay is important because it helps the reader to understand the argument and ideas being presented, and it makes it easier for you to convey your thoughts in a clear and concise manner.

There are several components that make up a well-structured essay in IELTS Writing Task 2. These include:


The introduction should be a brief statement that introduces the topic of the essay and provides some background information. It should also clearly state your position on the topic or the argument that you will be presenting.

Body paragraphs

The body of the essay should consist of two or three paragraphs that present your main arguments and ideas. Each paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph, and should then provide supporting evidence or examples to back up that point.


The conclusion should be a brief summary of your main arguments and ideas and should restate your position on the topic or the argument that you have presented. It should also provide some final thoughts or recommendations (this is optional – do it only if you have practiced enough and can do it skillfully.)

In addition to these components, a well-structured essay should also have good coherence and cohesion, which means that the ideas should be logically organized and linked together using appropriate transitions and connective words.

Now, we will first introduce the different question types in IELTS Writing Task 2, and then review the best essay structure that you can use in response to each one.

What are the different question types in IELTS writing task 2?

In the IELTS Writing Task 2, you are required to write an academic essay in response to a given prompt or question. The essay should be at least 250 words long (practice writing between 270 and 290 words) and should address the topic and question provided. There are several question types in IELTS Writing Task 2, including:

Opinion-based questions

These questions ask you for your opinion on a particular topic or issue. For example, “Do you agree or disagree with the statement that technology has made our lives easier?”

Advantages and disadvantages questions

These questions ask you to discuss the pros and cons of a particular issue or topic. For example, “What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?”

Problem and solution questions

These questions ask you to identify a problem and provide potential solutions. For example, “What are the main causes of pollution, and what can be done to reduce it?”

Cause and Effect

You are presented with a situation, and you are required to explain the causes and/ or effects of the situation. You may also be asked to discuss the measures that can be taken to address the issue. For example, “In many developed countries, the rate of obesity is increasing. What do you think are the causes of this trend, and what effects does it have on individuals and society as a whole?”

Discuss both views questions

These questions require you to discuss two opposing viewpoints on a particular issue and provide your own opinion. For example, “Some people believe that studying abroad is beneficial, while others argue that it is not. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.”

Two-part questions

These questions require you to address two distinct issues within the same essay. For example, “What are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, and how does it compare to traditional classroom learning?”

It is important for you to carefully read and analyze the question prompt to ensure that you understand the question type and can provide a well-organized and focused response.

Now, let’s talk about the best essay structures for writing a response to each of these question types.

The best essay structure to use for “opinion-based” questions

The best essay structure for opinion-based IELTS Writing Task 2 questions is the following:

  • Introduction: Start with a general statement about the topic and then give a thesis statement that clearly states your opinion on the issue.
  • Body Paragraph 1: State your first reason to support your opinion. Explain it in detail, and provide examples and evidence to support your argument.
  • Body Paragraph 2: State your second reason to support your opinion. Explain it in detail, and provide examples and evidence to support your argument.
  • Counterargument Paragraph: Acknowledge and address the opposing viewpoint, while explaining why your position is stronger (this is optional – do it only if you have practiced enough and can do it skillfully.)
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis. End with a strong final statement (this is optional – do it only if you have practiced enough and can do it skillfully.)


Here’s an example essay structure for an opinion-based IELTS Writing Task 2 question:

Question: Some people believe that the government should provide free education at all levels. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  • Start with a general statement about the importance of education.
  • Thesis statement: While some people argue that education should be free for everyone, I believe that there should be some limits to government-funded education.

Body Paragraph 1:

  • State your first reason to support your opinion: education is costly.
  • Explain it in detail: elaborate on the high cost of education and how it can burden taxpayers.
  • Provide examples and evidence: reference relevant data or statistics, or share a personal example.

Body Paragraph 2:

  • State your second reason to support your opinion: free education can lead to a lower quality of education.
  • Explain it in detail: discuss how free education can lead to a lack of investment in educational resources and a lack of motivation among students.
  • Provide examples and evidence: reference relevant data or statistics, or share a personal example.

Counterargument Paragraph (optional):

  • Acknowledge the opposing viewpoint: some argue that free education is necessary to ensure equal access to education for all.
  • Explain why your position is stronger: mention how partial government funding can still provide opportunities for those who cannot afford education and how it can ensure that education is valued and prioritized.


  • Summarize your main points: restate your two reasons for opposing free education.
  • Restate your thesis: reinforce your position on the issue.
  • End with a strong final statement (optional): emphasize the importance of balancing access to education with fiscal responsibility.

Sample essay

Here’s a sample essay based on the structure I described for an opinion-based IELTS Writing Task 2 question:

Question: Some people believe that the government should provide free education at all levels. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample essay:

Education is a critical aspect of society, and its importance cannot be overstated. While some people argue that education should be free for everyone, I believe that there should be some limits to government-funded education.

Firstly, education is costly, and providing free education at all levels could be an enormous burden on taxpayers. The cost of education is high, and it can be difficult for the government to provide for everyone. The resources required for providing free education to all, including teachers, buildings, and materials, would be immense. It is important to recognize that taxpayers fund the government, and thus, free education would place an excessive burden on them. Instead, partial government funding can still provide opportunities for those who cannot afford education, and private education can continue to thrive, ensuring diversity in education.

Secondly, free education can lead to a lower quality of education. When education is free, it can lead to a lack of investment in educational resources and a lack of motivation among students. For example, in countries where education is entirely government-funded, schools often lack the proper resources, and the quality of education can be subpar. When students are not required to pay for their education, they may not value it as much as if they had to work to pay for it. This could lead to lower student motivation, which would eventually impact their performance in school and their future career prospects.

However, some argue that free education is necessary to ensure equal access to education for all. While this is a valid point, I believe that partial government funding can still provide opportunities for those who cannot afford education. By creating targeted scholarships or financial aid programs, the government can ensure that education is accessible to everyone without placing a burden on taxpayers.

In conclusion, while having access to high-quality education is critical, I do not believe that the government should provide free education at all levels. It is important to balance access to education with fiscal responsibility. By providing partial government funding and creating targeted scholarships or financial aid programs, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to access education without compromising its quality or burdening taxpayers.

The best essay structure to use for the “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” questions

The question type “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” is an example of an opinion-based question in IELTS Writing Task 2. This is because the question requires you to express your opinion about whether the advantages or the disadvantages of a particular issue are more significant.

While there may be some objective information you can include in your response, such as statistics or examples, ultimately you are being asked to provide your own perspective on the issue. This is in contrast to other question types in Task 2, such as “discuss the advantages and disadvantages,” which require you to only talk about advantages and disadvantages, without mentioning which one outweighs the other.

When answering the “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” question type in IELTS Writing Task 2, a common essay structure to follow is the four-paragraph approach.

The first paragraph should be an introduction that provides some background information on the topic and clearly states your position on the issue. You should also outline the main advantages and disadvantages you will discuss in the subsequent paragraphs.

In the second paragraph, you should discuss the advantages in detail. You should provide specific examples to support your points and explain why these advantages are important.

In the third paragraph, you should discuss the disadvantages in detail. Again, you should provide specific examples and explain why these disadvantages are important.

In the final paragraph, you should provide a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your position. You should also provide a balanced evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages you discussed, explaining whether you believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa.

It’s important to note that while this structure is commonly used for this question type, it is not the only possible structure. What’s most important is that your response is well-organized, clear, and addresses all aspects of the prompt.


Here’s an example of an essay that follows the four-paragraph approach for a “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages” question type:

Question: In some countries, teenagers are allowed to work part-time jobs while they are still in school. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this practice?

Introduction: In recent years, many countries have allowed teenagers to work part-time jobs while they are still in school. While this practice has its advantages, such as providing valuable work experience and extra income, there are also some significant disadvantages that need to be considered. In this essay, I will explore the advantages and disadvantages of allowing teenagers to work part-time jobs and argue that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Paragraph 2 – Advantages: One advantage of allowing teenagers to work part-time jobs is that they can gain valuable work experience that will be useful later in life. For example, they can learn important skills such as time management, responsibility, and teamwork. Additionally, having a part-time job can provide teenagers with extra income that can be used to pay for their own expenses or save for the future.

Paragraph 3 – Disadvantages: However, there are also some significant disadvantages to allowing teenagers to work part-time jobs. Firstly, working part-time jobs can have a negative impact on their academic performance. Teenagers may struggle to balance their schoolwork with their job responsibilities, leading to lower grades and a reduced chance of getting into university or college. Secondly, working part-time jobs can be physically and mentally exhausting for teenagers, leading to stress and burnout.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while there are some advantages to allowing teenagers to work part-time jobs, such as gaining work experience and earning extra income, I believe that the disadvantages outweigh these advantages. Teenagers who work part-time jobs may struggle to balance their academic and work responsibilities, leading to negative impacts on their academic performance and mental health. For these reasons, I believe that the practice of allowing teenagers to work part-time jobs while they are still in school should be reconsidered.

The best essay structure to use for “advantages and disadvantages” questions

When answering an advantages and disadvantages question in IELTS Writing Task 2, a well-structured essay should have the following format:

Introduction: The introduction should introduce the topic and provide a clear thesis statement that outlines your position on the advantages and disadvantages of the topic.

Advantages paragraph: The first body paragraph should present the advantages of the topic. Each advantage should be introduced with a clear topic sentence, followed by supporting details and examples.

Disadvantages paragraph: The second body paragraph should present the disadvantages of the topic. Each disadvantage should be introduced with a clear topic sentence, followed by supporting details and examples.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main advantages and disadvantages that were discussed in the essay and provide a clear restatement of the thesis statement.

It is important to note that when writing an advantages and disadvantages essay, it is important to give equal attention to both the advantages and disadvantages. This means that the advantages and disadvantages paragraphs should be roughly the same length and should have similar levels of detail and support.

Additionally, it is important to use appropriate linking words and phrases to help the reader understand the relationship between the advantages and disadvantages. Some useful linking words and phrases for an advantages and disadvantages essay include “on the one hand,” “on the other hand,” “however,” “nevertheless,” and “despite this.”


Here’s an example of an “advantages and disadvantages” essay structure for an IELTS Writing Task 2 question:

Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping


In recent years, online shopping has become increasingly popular worldwide. While there are certainly advantages to this trend, there are also some notable drawbacks. In this essay, I will discuss both the benefits and drawbacks of online shopping.

Body Paragraph 1 – Advantages:

One of the key advantages of online shopping is convenience. Customers can shop from the comfort of their own homes and do not have to deal with crowds, traffic, or parking issues. Additionally, online stores are often open 24/7, allowing customers to shop at any time. Another advantage is the variety of products available online. Customers can easily compare prices and products from different stores, allowing them to find the best deals and choose from a wider selection of items.

Body Paragraph 2 – Disadvantages:

On the other hand, there are also several disadvantages to online shopping. One major drawback is the lack of physical interaction with the products. Customers cannot touch, feel or try on the items before purchasing them, which can lead to disappointment or dissatisfaction with the product when it arrives. Another disadvantage is the risk of online fraud and scams. Customers may fall victim to phishing scams or receive counterfeit products, which can result in financial loss and frustration.


In conclusion, online shopping offers convenience and a wide selection of products but also presents some risks and disadvantages. While online shopping may be a good option for some people, it is important to be cautious and aware of the potential drawbacks. (Overall, I believe that a combination of online and offline shopping is the best approach, allowing customers to enjoy the benefits of both methods while minimizing the risks.)

Best essay structure to use for “problem and solution” questions

The best essay structure to use for problem and solution questions in IELTS Writing Task 2 is a four-paragraph structure. This structure includes:

Introduction: The introduction should provide a brief background to the problem and clearly state the problem that will be addressed in the essay. The introduction should also provide a thesis statement that outlines the main solutions that will be discussed in the essay.

Problem paragraph: The first body paragraph should focus on describing the problem in more detail. This paragraph should explain the causes and effects of the problem and provide some relevant statistics or examples to support the argument. The paragraph should end with a clear transition sentence that leads into the next paragraph.

Solution paragraph(s): The second and third body paragraphs should focus on presenting the solutions to the problem. Each paragraph should present one solution in detail, explaining how it can help to address the problem and providing some relevant examples or evidence to support the argument. Each paragraph should also end with a clear transition sentence that leads into the next paragraph.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement in a slightly different way. The conclusion should also provide some final thoughts or recommendations for how the problem can be addressed in the future.

Overall, this essay structure is effective because it allows you to clearly present the problem and the solutions, and it provides a logical and easy-to-follow flow of ideas for the reader. It is important to use appropriate linking words and phrases to connect the different paragraphs and ensure that the essay has good coherence and cohesion.

Sample essay

Here’s a sample essay for an IELTS Writing Task 2 “problem and solution” question:

Topic: In many countries, the use of plastic bags has become a significant environmental problem. What are the causes of this problem, and what measures can be taken to reduce its impact?


Plastic bags have become a significant environmental problem in many countries due to their widespread use and disposal. This essay will examine the causes of this problem and suggest some measures that can be taken to reduce its impact.

The primary cause of this problem is the massive consumption of plastic bags. Consumers often use plastic bags once and then throw them away, resulting in a vast amount of plastic waste. Furthermore, plastic bags are difficult to decompose, and they can take hundreds of years to break down. This leads to the accumulation of plastic waste, which can have severe environmental consequences, such as polluting waterways and endangering wildlife.

To address this problem, several measures can be taken. Firstly, governments can implement a ban on single-use plastic bags, which will force consumers to use alternative options such as reusable bags made of cloth or paper. This has already been implemented in several countries, including France and Italy, with positive results. Secondly, retailers can offer incentives to consumers who bring their bags, such as discounts or loyalty points, to encourage the use of reusable bags. Finally, education campaigns can be conducted to raise awareness of the environmental impacts of plastic bags and to promote the use of reusable alternatives.

In conclusion, the excessive consumption of plastic bags is a severe environmental problem, and urgent action is required to address it. Governments, retailers, and individuals can take measures such as implementing a ban on single-use plastic bags, offering incentives for reusable bags, and educating the public about the environmental impact of plastic bags. By working together, we can reduce the impact of plastic bags and protect our environment for future generations.

The best essay structure to use for “cause and effect” questions

When it comes to writing a cause and effect essay for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is important to structure your essay in a clear and concise manner. Here is a recommended structure that you can follow:

Introduction: In the first paragraph, you should introduce the topic and provide some background information about the causes and effects of the issue. You can also include a thesis statement that clearly states your position on the topic.

Body Paragraph 1: In the first body paragraph, you should discuss the causes of the issue in detail. Start with a topic sentence that clearly identifies the main cause, and provide supporting details and examples to explain how this cause leads to the problem.

Body Paragraph 2: In the second body paragraph, you should discuss the effects of the issue in detail. Start with a topic sentence that clearly identifies the main effect, and provide supporting details and examples to explain how this effect impacts individuals or society as a whole.

Body Paragraph 3 (optional): If you have more than one cause or effect to discuss, you can use a third body paragraph to explore another cause or effect.

Conclusion: In the final paragraph, summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement in a different way. You can also provide some recommendations or solutions for addressing the issue.

Remember to use transition words and phrases such as “because,” “due to,” “as a result,” and “therefore” to connect your ideas and create a logical flow in your essay. Additionally, make sure to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to convey your ideas clearly and effectively.

Sample essay

Here’s a sample essay based on the structure provided:

In many countries, there is a growing trend of obesity among children. While there are multiple causes of this problem, such as unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles, the consequences of childhood obesity are significant and require immediate attention. In this essay, I will discuss the causes and effects of this problem.

Unhealthy diets are a major cause of obesity among children. Many children do not have access to healthy food options, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and instead consume high amounts of processed and fast food that are high in calories, sugar, and fat. In addition, parents often do not have the time or knowledge to make healthy food choices for their children, and many children are exposed to aggressive marketing of unhealthy foods. As a result, children’s diets lack essential nutrients and contribute to weight gain and obesity.

Sedentary lifestyles are another cause of obesity among children. With the increased use of technology and screen time, children are spending less time engaging in outdoor activities and physical exercise. Many schools also have busy schedules that limit the time for physical education and recess. This lack of physical activity, combined with unhealthy diets, increases the risk of obesity and other health problems.

The effects of childhood obesity can have long-lasting consequences. Children who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. In addition, they may experience poor mental health, low self-esteem, and academic and social challenges. These consequences not only affect the individual but also have a broader impact on society as a whole.

In conclusion, childhood obesity is a complex problem that requires immediate attention. Unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles are major causes of this problem, and the consequences can have long-lasting effects on individuals and society.

The best essay structure to use for “discuss both views” questions

For “Discuss both views” questions in IELTS Writing Task 2, the best essay structure to use is a balanced argument essay structure. This type of essay structure allows you to present both sides of the argument and provide your own opinion. Here is a recommended essay structure to use for this type of question:

Introduction: In the introduction, provide a brief overview of the topic and clearly state that you will be discussing both views. You should also state your position on the topic or the argument that you will be presenting.

Body Paragraph 1: Present the first view on the topic. Start with a topic sentence that clearly states the view you will be discussing. Then, provide supporting evidence or examples to back up this view. It is important to be objective and to present the view accurately, without adding your own opinions.

Body Paragraph 2: Present the second view on the topic. Start with a topic sentence that clearly states the view you will be discussing. Then, provide supporting evidence or examples to back up this view. Again, it is important to be objective and to present the view accurately.

Body Paragraph 3: Present your own opinion on the topic. Start with a topic sentence that clearly states your opinion. Then, provide supporting evidence or examples to back up your opinion. It is important to be clear and concise in presenting your own view.

Conclusion: In the conclusion, summarize the main points of the essay and restate your opinion. You can also provide some final thoughts or recommendations.

Overall, the key to a successful essay for “Discuss both views” questions is to present a balanced argument that presents both sides of the argument objectively and to clearly state your own position on the topic.


Here’s an example of an essay structure for an IELTS Writing Task 2 prompt that requires you to discuss both views:

Prompt: Some people believe that children should be taught to be competitive in order to succeed in life, while others think that cooperation and teamwork are more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Essay structure:


  • Paraphrase the prompt
  • Provide an overview of both views
  • State your own opinion

Example: In today’s world, success is often associated with competitiveness. While some people argue that children should be taught to be competitive in order to succeed, others believe that cooperation and teamwork are more important. In my opinion, though I think cooperation is more correlated with success, still a balance between the two is necessary for children to thrive.

First Body Paragraph

  • Present the first view (children should be taught to be competitive)
  • Provide evidence to support the view

Example: Those who advocate for teaching children to be competitive argue that it is a valuable skill in a highly competitive world. For instance, children who are taught to compete from a young age are more likely to be motivated to achieve their goals and are better equipped to handle the challenges of adulthood. Additionally, competition can help children develop resilience and self-confidence.

Second Body Paragraph

  • Present the second view (cooperation and teamwork are more important)
  • Provide evidence to support the view

Example: On the other hand, those who believe that cooperation and teamwork are more important argue that these skills are essential for success in today’s interconnected world. Working collaboratively with others is a key skill in many fields, and children who learn to work well with others are more likely to succeed in their careers. Furthermore, cooperation can help children develop empathy and social skills, which are important for building strong relationships.

Third Body Paragraph

  • Present your own view
  • Provide evidence to support your view

Example: While I believe that both competition and cooperation are important, I lean more towards the latter. I think that children who are taught to cooperate and work in teams are more likely to thrive in their personal and professional lives. For example, research has shown that companies that emphasize teamwork are more successful than those that do not. Additionally, cooperation promotes a more positive and supportive environment, which can have long-term benefits for children’s mental health and well-being.


  • Summarize the main points of the essay
  • Restate your opinion and provide a final thought

Example: In conclusion, both competition and cooperation have their place in children’s education, but I believe that cooperation is more important for their long-term success. By working together, children can learn important social and emotional skills that will serve them well in their personal and professional lives. As educators and parents, it is our responsibility to find a balance between these two values and help our children develop into well-rounded individuals.

The best essay structure to use for “two-part” questions

For Two-part questions in IELTS Writing Task 2, it is important to use a clear and organized essay structure that addresses both parts of the question effectively. Here is a suggested essay structure for this question category:

Introduction: The introduction should briefly introduce the topic and state the two parts of the question that will be addressed in the essay. It should also include a thesis statement that indicates your position or argument.

First body paragraph: The first body paragraph should address the first part of the question. This paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that relates to the first part of the question, followed by supporting evidence or examples.

Second body paragraph: The second body paragraph should address the second part of the question. This paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that relates to the second part of the question, followed by supporting evidence or examples.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay, and provide some final thoughts or recommendations. It should also restate the thesis statement in a different way.

It is important to use appropriate transition words and phrases to link the paragraphs together and create coherence and cohesion in the essay. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the essay addresses both parts of the question equally and in sufficient detail.

Sample essay

Success is often measured by wealth and material possessions. Do you think wealth is the best measure of success? What makes a successful person?


In today’s society, wealth and material possessions are often seen as indicators of success. However, the question of whether wealth is the best measure of success is highly debatable. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of this argument and explore what truly makes a person successful.

Wealth as a measure of success:

There is no denying that wealth is an important factor in determining success in today’s society. The accumulation of wealth often involves hard work, dedication, and perseverance, which are all admirable traits. Moreover, wealth can provide a sense of financial security and freedom that many people strive for. However, it is important to note that wealth is not the only indicator of success. There are many people who have achieved great success without accumulating significant wealth.

What makes a successful person:

In my opinion, a truly successful person is one who has achieved personal fulfillment and made a positive impact on the world. This can manifest in many ways, such as making a difference in the lives of others, pursuing a passion, or overcoming personal challenges. Success is not just about accumulating wealth and material possessions; it is about finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. Successful people are those who are happy with their lives, who have meaningful relationships, and who have a positive impact on the world around them.


In conclusion, while wealth can certainly be a measure of success, it is not the only factor to consider. Success is a subjective concept that means different things to different people. In my view, a successful person is one who has achieved personal fulfillment and made a positive impact on the world. Ultimately, success is about finding happiness and meaning in life, not just accumulating wealth and possessions.

Common questions

  1. Why do we use structures in IELTS writing task 2?

Using structures in IELTS Writing Task 2 is important for a few reasons:

  • Organizes your ideas

Structures help to organize your ideas and thoughts into a clear and logical format. This makes it easier for the reader to follow your arguments and understand your points.

  • Saves time

When you have a clear structure, you can write more efficiently and save time. This is especially important in an exam setting where you are working against the clock.

  • Demonstrates coherence

A well-structured essay demonstrates coherence and cohesion. This means that your ideas are connected and flow logically from one point to another, which makes it easier for the reader to understand and follow your arguments.

  • Meets criteria

IELTS Writing Task 2 has specific criteria that you need to meet in order to score well. Using structures can help ensure that you address all aspects of the prompt and meet the criteria, which is essential for achieving a high score.

2. Can I use different essay structures in response to one specific IELTS writing task 2 question?

Yes, you can use different essay structures to respond to the same IELTS Writing Task 2 question. However, it is important to ensure that your essay has a clear structure and is well-organized, regardless of the specific structure you choose to use.

For example, some common essay structures for Task 2 include:

  • The five-paragraph essay structure, with an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • The four-paragraph essay structure, with an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

In all cases, it is important to clearly state your thesis or main argument in the introduction, support your argument with specific examples and evidence in the body paragraphs, and provide a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis in a new way.

Ultimately, the structure you choose should depend on the specific requirements of Task 2 prompt and your own writing style and preferences.

3. Should I memorize all of the structures?

NO! Do not try to memorize anything.

It’s important to become familiar with essay structures because it helps you to organize your ideas in a logical and cohesive manner, which can make your essay easier to understand and more effective. Additionally, using a clear structure can help you to stay focused on the topic and ensure that you address all aspects of the prompt.

However, memorizing essay structures can be counterproductive because it may lead to rigid and formulaic writing that lacks creativity and originality. Moreover, the IELTS Writing Task 2 prompts can vary widely, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach that works for every prompt. Trying to force a memorized structure onto a prompt that doesn’t fit can lead to an essay that is off-topic and lacks coherence.

To better understand what an off-topic essay is, you may read the following article:
Off-topic Responses in IELTS Writing Task 2 and How to Avoid Them

Instead of memorizing essay structures, it’s better to practice adapting different structures to different prompts. This allows you to develop flexibility in your writing and better respond to the specific requirements of each prompt. By understanding the basic elements of different essay structures and being able to adapt them to suit the prompt, you can demonstrate your writing proficiency and achieve a higher score.



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