Common IELTS Reading Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

by | Apr 15, 2023 | Focus on IELTS, IELTS Reading


The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a widely recognized English proficiency exam that assesses your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Achieving a high score on the IELTS is crucial for those looking to study, work, or migrate to English-speaking countries. The Reading module, in particular, can be challenging for many test-takers, as it requires strong comprehension, time management, and analytical skills.

To ensure success on the IELTS Reading section, it’s vital to be aware of common mistakes that can impact your score. This blog post aims to guide you through these common pitfalls, offering tips and strategies to help you avoid them and ultimately achieve a higher score on your IELTS exam.

By understanding these mistakes and implementing the suggested strategies, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the Reading section with confidence and precision.

1. Misunderstanding the Question

One of the most common mistakes made by IELTS test-takers is misunderstanding the question. This often occurs when candidates read questions too quickly or fail to fully grasp the task at hand. To avoid losing valuable points, it’s essential to take the time to understand each question before attempting to answer it.

Reading questions too quickly

In an effort to save time, some candidates skim through the questions without fully comprehending the task. This can lead to incorrect answers or even answering the wrong question. To avoid this, read each question carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked.

The importance of understanding keywords and instructions

Questions on the IELTS Reading section often contain keywords and specific instructions that guide you towards the correct answer. Identifying these keywords and following the instructions is crucial to answering the question correctly. For example, if a question asks you to “List two reasons,” ensure that you provide exactly two reasons from the text.

Tips for understanding questions better

To improve your ability to understand IELTS Reading questions, practice the following techniques:

  1. Underline or highlight keywords and instructions in the question to help you focus on the most important aspects of the task.
  2. Paraphrase the question in your own words to ensure you have a clear understanding of what is being asked.
  3. Take a moment to mentally review the question before you start searching for the answer in the text. This will help you to be more focused and efficient in your search.

Understanding the questions is an essential IELTS reading skill. By taking the time to understand each question fully and paying close attention to keywords and instructions, you’ll significantly reduce the likelihood of misunderstanding the question and increase your chances of providing accurate answers on the IELTS Reading section. 


Let’s look at an example of how misunderstanding a question in the IELTS Reading section can lead to an incorrect answer:

Passage excerpt: “Global warming has led to the melting of ice caps, causing a rise in sea levels. This has, in turn, contributed to an increase in coastal erosion and flooding in low-lying areas.”

Question: “What has caused an increase in coastal erosion and flooding?”

Incorrect understanding: If you misunderstand the question and think it is asking for the direct cause of coastal erosion and flooding, you might choose “global warming” as your answer.

Correct understanding: The question is asking for the cause of coastal erosion and flooding that is mentioned in the passage. The correct answer should be “the rise in sea levels,” which is the direct cause stated in the passage. In this case, global warming is an indirect cause, as it leads to the melting of ice caps and the subsequent rise in sea levels.

By carefully reading and understanding the question, you can avoid this common mistake and choose the correct answer based on the information provided in the passage.

2. Running Out of Time

Time management is a crucial aspect of the IELTS Reading section. Test-takers have limited time (60 minutes) to complete 40 questions, which can be quite challenging for some. Running out of time can lead to incomplete or rushed answers, resulting in a lower score. To avoid this pitfall, it’s essential to develop time management strategies that work for you.

Time management issues

Many candidates struggle with time management on the IELTS Reading section because they spend too much time on difficult questions or get bogged down in the details of the text. It’s essential to strike a balance between reading carefully and moving efficiently through the questions.

Strategies for allocating time effectively

To improve your time management on the IELTS Reading section, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Set a time limit for each passage and question set. For example, allot 20 minutes per reading passage, including reading the passage, answering the questions, and reviewing your answers.
  2. Prioritize easier questions and answer them first. This will help you gain momentum and build confidence before tackling more challenging questions.
  3. Monitor your time regularly throughout the test to ensure you stay on track. If you find yourself falling behind, adjust your pace accordingly.

Skimming and scanning techniques

Skimming and scanning are essential skills for managing your time effectively during the IELTS Reading section. Skimming involves quickly reading through the entire passage to get a general understanding of the content, while scanning involves searching for specific information or keywords related to the questions. To practice these techniques, try the following:

  1. Skim the passage first to get a general idea of the content and structure. This will help you to locate answers more easily when you read the questions. Skimming will help you have a primary picture of the core idea of the passage and the central idea within each paragraph. 
  2. Scan the passage for keywords, names, dates, or other specific details related to the questions. This will help you to quickly locate the relevant information and answer the questions more efficiently.

By developing effective time management strategies and mastering skimming and scanning techniques, you’ll be better equipped to complete the IELTS Reading section within the allotted time, ensuring you have the opportunity to answer each question and maximize your IELTS Reading score.

3. Overthinking the Answer

Another common issue faced by IELTS test-takers is overthinking the answer. While it’s crucial to read carefully and consider the questions thoroughly, spending too much time deliberating over an answer can lead to confusion and wasted time. Striking a balance between careful reading and efficient decision-making is key to success on the IELTS Reading section.

Paralysis by analysis

Overthinking an answer can lead to “paralysis by analysis,” where you become so caught up in evaluating every detail that you fail to make progress. This can cause you to waste valuable time and ultimately result in incorrect or incomplete answers. This might sound like a silly mistake, but it is indeed a trap for many IELTS candidates.

Trusting your instincts

While it’s essential to be thorough in your approach to answering questions, it’s also important to trust your instincts. Often, your initial response to a question will be correct, so don’t second-guess yourself unnecessarily. If you’re unsure, make a note of the question and come back to it later if time permits.

Finding the balance between careful reading and efficiency

To find the right balance between careful reading and efficient decision-making, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. When reading the passage, underline or highlight key points and details to help you quickly locate relevant information when answering questions.
  2. Practice eliminating incorrect answer choices to narrow down your options and make an informed decision more quickly.
  3. Develop a habit of making a decision within a reasonable timeframe. If you find yourself spending too much time on a single question, make your best guess and move on.

By recognizing when you’re overthinking an answer and adopting strategies to balance careful reading with efficient decision-making, you’ll be better prepared to tackle the IELTS Reading section with confidence and avoid wasting precious time on indecision.

4. Relying on Personal Knowledge

While your personal knowledge and experiences can be helpful in certain situations, relying on them in the IELTS Reading section can be a significant pitfall. The test assesses your ability to comprehend and analyze the information provided in the passages, not your personal opinions or prior knowledge. To avoid falling into this trap, it’s crucial to focus solely on the information presented in the text.

Dangers of using personal opinions or experiences

Relying on personal opinions or experiences can lead to incorrect answers, as they may not align with the information provided in the passage. Remember, the IELTS Reading section tests your comprehension skills, not your personal views or expertise.

Focusing on the information provided in the text

To ensure that you’re basing your answers on the passage rather than personal knowledge, follow these tips:

  1. Read the passage carefully and make a conscious effort to identify the main ideas, arguments, and supporting details.
  2. When answering questions, refer back to the passage to find evidence for your response. Avoid making assumptions or drawing conclusions that are not supported by the text.
  3. Be mindful of potential biases or preconceived notions that may influence your interpretation of the passage. Stay objective and focus on the facts presented in the text.

Avoiding confirmation bias

Confirmation bias occurs when you favor information that confirms your preexisting beliefs or opinions. To avoid this bias, practice the following techniques:

  1. Be aware of your personal beliefs and opinions, and make a conscious effort to set them aside when approaching the IELTS Reading section.
  2. Evaluate all answer choices objectively, even if they contradict your personal views or experiences.
  3. Approach each passage with an open mind and a willingness to consider alternative perspectives.

By focusing solely on the information provided in the passage and avoiding the influence of personal knowledge, opinions, and biases, you’ll be better equipped to accurately answer questions on the IELTS Reading section and achieve a higher score.

5. Not Making Use of Context Clues

Context clues play a vital role in understanding unfamiliar words or concepts in the IELTS Reading section. Failing to make use of context clues can lead to confusion and incorrect answers. To improve your reading comprehension and overall performance, it’s essential to learn how to use context clues effectively.

Importance of context for understanding unfamiliar words or concepts

Context clues are words or phrases surrounding an unfamiliar term that provide hints about its meaning. By learning to identify and use context clues, you can improve your understanding of the passage without relying on a dictionary or external resources.

Techniques for using context to your advantage

To make the most of context clues, practice the following strategies:

  1. Look for synonyms, antonyms, or explanations in the surrounding text that may help you infer the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
  2. Pay attention to examples or illustrations that can provide insight into the meaning of a term or concept.
  3. Consider the overall theme or topic of the passage, as this can provide valuable context for understanding specific words or ideas.

Practice exercises for honing context skills

To improve your ability to use context clues, try these practice exercises:

  1. Read a variety of texts on different topics, focusing on understanding unfamiliar vocabulary through context.
  2. Complete IELTS Reading practice exercises, specifically targeting questions that require you to use context clues to answer.

By mastering the use of context clues, you’ll be better equipped to tackle challenging vocabulary and concepts in the IELTS Reading section, leading to improved comprehension and higher scores.

6. Ignoring the Passage Structure

Understanding and utilizing the passage structure is a valuable skill that can help you locate answers quickly and efficiently in the IELTS Reading section. Ignoring the passage structure can lead to wasted time and missed opportunities for identifying key information. To improve your performance, it’s essential to learn how to navigate through passages effectively.

Using passage structure to locate answers quickly

The structure of a passage can provide valuable clues about the location of key information. By recognizing the organization of ideas and using this knowledge to your advantage, you can save time and improve your accuracy when answering questions.

Identifying key points in headings, subheadings, and topic sentences

To make the most of the passage structure, focus on identifying key points in headings, subheadings, and topic sentences. These elements often provide an overview of the main ideas and can guide you to the relevant sections of the passage when searching for answers.

Tips for navigating through passages effectively

To improve your ability to utilize passage structure, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. During your initial skim of the passage, take note of the headings, subheadings, and topic sentences to gain a general understanding of the passage’s structure and central ideas.
  2. When answering questions, refer back to the headings, subheadings, or topic sentences to help you locate the relevant section of the passage quickly.
  3. Practice identifying the structure of various types of passages, such as cause and effect, problem and solution, or chronological order. This will help you recognize patterns and improve your ability to navigate through different passage structures effectively.

By paying attention to the passage structure and learning how to use it to your advantage, you’ll be better equipped to locate answers quickly and efficiently, ultimately improving your performance on the IELTS Reading section.

7. Failing to Paraphrase Correctly

Paraphrasing is an essential skill in the IELTS Reading section, as it involves expressing the same idea using different words. Many questions require you to identify paraphrased information in the passage or paraphrase your answers. Failing to paraphrase correctly can lead to inaccurate or incomplete answers, negatively impacting your score. To improve your paraphrasing capabilities and overall performance, consider the following tips and strategies.

The art of paraphrasing in IELTS Reading

Paraphrasing requires you to understand the original text’s meaning and express it using different words and phrases. This skill is crucial for tasks such as matching headings, identifying the writer’s claims, and summary completion, among others.

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

Some common paraphrasing pitfalls include changing the meaning of the original text, using too many words from the original passage, and failing to convey the same idea effectively. To avoid these pitfalls, practice the following techniques:

  1. Ensure you fully understand the original text’s meaning before attempting to paraphrase it.
  2. Replace keywords and phrases with synonyms or alternative expressions, while maintaining the original meaning.
  3. Rearrange the sentence structure to create a new sentence that conveys the same idea as the original text.

Practice exercises for improving paraphrasing skills

To hone your paraphrasing skills, try these practice exercises:

  1. Select sentences or paragraphs from various texts and practice paraphrasing them in your own words.
  2. Complete IELTS Reading practice exercises that focus on tasks requiring paraphrasing skills, such as matching headings, identifying the writer’s claims, and summary completion.
  3. Compare your paraphrased sentences with the original text to ensure you’ve maintained the original meaning and used different words and phrases.

By mastering the art of paraphrasing and avoiding common pitfalls, you’ll be better prepared to tackle tasks in the IELTS Reading section that require this essential skill, ultimately leading to improved accuracy and higher scores.

8. Not Checking Your Answers

One of the most common mistakes made by test-takers in the IELTS Reading section is neglecting to review their answers before submitting the test. Checking your answers allows you to catch errors, reconsider your choices, and ensure you’ve answered every question. Failing to do so can result in lower scores due to careless mistakes or missed opportunities for improvement.

The importance of reviewing your answers

Reviewing your answers gives you a chance to identify and correct errors, reconsider choices you may have been unsure about, and confirm that you’ve provided an answer for each question. This process can help you maximize your score and minimize the impact of mistakes on your overall performance.

Tips for effective answer checking

To make the most of your answer review process, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Allocate time for checking your answers: As part of your time management plan, reserve a few minutes at the end of the Reading section specifically for reviewing your answers. This will ensure that you have dedicated time for this crucial step.
  2. Double-check your understanding of the questions: While reviewing your answers, take a moment to reread the questions and ensure that you’ve understood them correctly. Misinterpreting a question can lead to an incorrect answer, even if your comprehension of the passage is accurate.
  3. Look for careless mistakes: Careless mistakes, such as marking the wrong answer choice or missing a question, can be easily corrected during the review process. Keep an eye out for these types of errors, and make any necessary corrections before submitting your test.
  4. Revisit difficult or uncertain answers: If you were unsure about an answer or felt pressed for time when answering a question, use the review time to reconsider your choice and confirm that it aligns with the information in the passage.

By making a conscious effort to check your answers and incorporating these strategies into your test-taking approach, you’ll be better equipped to catch errors, avoid careless mistakes, and maximize your score on the IELTS Reading section.

9. Neglecting Practice and Feedback

Practice is crucial for success in the IELTS Reading module, as it helps you to familiarize yourself with the test format, develop essential skills, and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, seeking feedback from teachers, peers, or online resources can provide valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses. Neglecting practice and feedback can hinder your progress and limit your potential for achieving a high score.

The importance of regular practice

Regular practice is essential for building confidence, improving time management, and fine-tuning your test-taking strategies. By consistently working on IELTS Reading exercises, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the question types and develop the skills required to answer them effectively. Always use an official IELTS reading answer sheet when practicing and try to write your answers on the answer sheet directly. 

Seeking feedback to improve performance

Feedback from knowledgeable sources can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your test-taking strategies. Consider sharing your practice exercises with teachers, peers, or online forums to receive constructive feedback and guidance on how to enhance your performance. For questions that you have failed to find the correct answer to, try to understand the reason why you have not chosen the correct answer. 

Tips for effective practice and feedback

To make the most of your practice sessions and feedback opportunities, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Create a study schedule that includes regular practice sessions and opportunities for feedback from various sources.
  2. Focus on a variety of question types and passage structures to ensure you’re well-rounded and prepared for any scenario on the test.
  3. Review your practice exercises and feedback carefully, making note of recurring issues and working to address them in future practice sessions.

By dedicating time to practice and seeking constructive feedback, you’ll be better prepared to tackle the IELTS Reading section with confidence and achieve the desired score.


In conclusion, avoiding these common mistakes and implementing the suggested strategies will significantly improve your performance on the IELTS Reading module.

Remember, practice, time management, and a deep understanding of the test format are key factors in achieving a high score. By focusing on these aspects and learning from your mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to success in the IELTS Reading section and ultimately, in your academic or professional pursuits in English-speaking countries.



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